We started out our trip Saturday and drove to Memphis. That night we ate bbq at Charlie Vergos. It was good and everyone seemed to enjoy it, but I didn't so much. I think I like Texas style bbq better than the dry rub style, but that's just my preference.
The next night we went to Nashville. We had some amazing burgers and shakes at Hugh Baby's and did some shopping at an antique shop per Anna's request.
Night 3 we spent in Gatlinburg, TN where Ezra had an encounter with chickens. I'd post the video of him giggling but he'd never forgive me. "Chicken butts!!! heeheeheehehee!"
Tuesday night we spent in Lexington, VA (Natural Bridge) and it was basically just a pit stop on the way to break up the drive. We didn't do anything significant but I think the kids played in the pool for an we relaxed.
Wednesday we made it to DC. Setup the campsite, chilled and planned to roll out the next day. Thursday came and after wandering around for awhile I decided to spring for a Big Bus Tour. I'm really glad I did because we would have been lost and wasting our time. We got to drive around and see the city and plan where we wanted to go the next day. Also we may have gotten a little sunburned and dehydrated. Teens may have complained. Life happens. Friday we went back and started touring the town properly. The bus tour ticked was still valid as we purchased it after 1pm. (Score!) That enabled us to ride from site to site and not pay extra. We saw the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. We saw the Holocaust memorial. We saw the Korean war memorial. We saw the Lincoln memorial. We got it an argument at that point and rode back to the parking garage all pissed off at each other. Then we almost couldn't get into the garage as it was past 7pm and closed, but we eventually did. Tempers cooled. We made it back to the campsite. We slept and departed Saturday.
I made the decision to forgo last 2 campsites for hotels as it would have been too late Saturday night, and turned out Sunday it was pouring rain. It worked out because Jenn got a great little hotel in Knoxville, and one of my customers hooked me up with a room at the Crown Plaza in Little Rock Saturday night.
All in all, vacation success. I would have liked a few things to have been better and smoother, but considering it was a car trip across the country, it went pretty well. No breakdowns. No injuries. Everyone made it home safe. Most importantly, memories were made, and I hope more positive than not. I don't know if I'll get a chance to do this again anytime soon, so I will enjoy this memory.
"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan--to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations." - Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address